"Live at the Royal Albert Hall" dostępne będzie w formacie CD/DVD. Materiał zarejestrowano podczas występu wokalistki w prestiżowej londyńskiej sali w listopadzie 2012 roku. Podczas występu artystkę wspomogli goście – Professor Green w "Read All About It" oraz Labrinth w "Beneath Your Beautiful".

Oto tracklista:

"Daddy" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"Where I Sleep" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"Breaking the Law" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"Enough" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"My Kind of Love" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"Clown" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"River" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"I Wish I Knew How it Would Feel to Be Free" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"Suitcase" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"Read All About It, Pt. III" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall) (featuring Professor Green)

"Wonder" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"Mountains" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"Heaven" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"Beneath Your Beautiful" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall) (featuring Labrinth)

"Maybe" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"Next to Me" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

Disc 2 (DVD):

"Daddy" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"Tiger" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"Where I Sleep" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"Breaking the Law" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"Enough" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"Pluto" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"My Kind of Love" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"Abide With Me" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"Clown" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"River" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"I Wish I Knew How it Would Feel to Be Free" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"Suitcase" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"Read All About It, Pt. III" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall) (featuring Professor Green)

"Wonder" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall) "Mountains" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"Heaven" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"Beneath Your Beautiful" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall) (featuring Labrinth)

"Maybe" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"Next to Me" (Live at the Royal Albert Hall)

"Our Version of Events" (From the Road)

Emeli Sandé zadebiutowała albumem "Our Version Of Events" w lutym 2012 roku.